Let us today speak a little more about addiction and about the addict with the addiction problem.
Families, husbands, wives and children, please take note and read this carefully.
So, let’s start this off by me letting you in on a little secret. Well, it’s not really a secret but more of a theory. The only time we as addicts can say we are truly free from this disease called addiction is when we are put in a box and dropped in a hole covered in a dirt. Only once this has happened, then we can say we are free.
You see, I say this because quite a few people think that once rehab has been done then we are supposed to be healed. Hahahaha, that’s funny.
You see, I say this because quite a few people think that once rehab has been done then we are supposed to be healed. Hahahaha, that’s funny.
I want to give point out a few things I have implemented in my journey to recovery that I feel has brought me this far. I believe this is why I am where I am today…
Now normies will never understand the struggle that recovering addicts face on a daily basis to just stay sober. From the time we recovering addicts wake up in the morning till the time we go to bed in the evening, we recovering addicts have battle constantly with ourselves and our thoughts.
Now, biggest mistake family’s or loved make with addicts coming into recovery is thinking that alcohol is ok. Please note, alcohol is NOT, ok.
The biggest justification I hear in this line of work I have chosen for myself is this, I am here for drugs or gambling or sex or whatever, but they will tell that because they are only in rehab for drugs as an example, they can still leave rehab and drink.
Well, it is this precise thinking that has gotten a lot of family’s and such regretting their actions because of this thinking that alcohol is fine, its ok.
Now to some of you, this may sound a little silly. But I promise you this, this way can and will save your life if you put it into practice. So please remember, as an addict whether you’re in recovery or not, is your worst, our worst enemy. Our minds are week and this is why we need to train our minds to positive thinking and positive ways and speak.
Another little story for you, so the one night I met my father for dinner and we started chatting about sobriety. My father asked me if I still have contact with the people from my using days and obviously, my answer was no…
Well, the no was not a lie but it is also not from a lack of trying from my side to find some of the old so called “friends”. The reasoning for this is most of them have passed on or, presumed dead. But, let me be honest by also adding that I do know of one person that is still alive and standing at a traffic light I Alberton begging for money for his next fix.
So, my friends, stay away from what can lead you back to the point of no return…
As I have said before, addiction is easy, recovery, is hard…
Now I leave you with this, life or death? Choose!
And, if you think “IT” can’t happen to you, like ending up on the streets or in a box, just remember this. There have been those before you who said the exact same thing.
Think about it…